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The reason and prevention of the safety of the rubber.

The reason and prevention of the safety of the rubber.

Date of release:2018-05-03 Author:宏升鞋业 Click:


  After buying the shoes for a period of time, due to the constant twists and turns, easy to appear local small area of open glue, labor protection shoes also have the same phenomenon. How to avoid the large area of labor protection shoes and prolong the service life of labor protection shoes, we analyzed from the production process of the labor protection shoes and the use of consumers.

  The reasons for the production process of the adhesive for the labor protection shoes:

  1. Improper handling of shoes: improper use of primer and glue. Different leather needs to be tested and treated with adhesive and adhesive. The shoe surface is not well-polished, not completely damaging the cortical surface;

  2. Improper treatment of primer: treatment of treating agent and the failure of glue treatment, the bottom grinding is not in place;

  3. Improper use of treating agent and glue: incomplete drying, insufficient curing agent and too much glue;

  4. Pressure: if it is cold and sticky, it will ensure sufficient pressure and time.

  Reasons for the use of looper shoes:

  1.No proper maintenance;

  2.Do not contact with the rain for a long time.

  3. The glue of labor protection shoes is hot and easy to open, which is not easy to expose in the sun or contact with heat source;

  4. It is not easy to contact with chemicals for long periods (unless specially produced anti-acid and alkaline labor protection shoes);

  5.New labor protection shoes are not available for a long time.

  Methods to prevent the opening of the protective shoes:

  1. Ensure that the surface is polished in place;

  2. Accurately identify the material type of shoe surface and select the corresponding treatment agent;

  3. Dry the water as far as possible and raise the temperature;

  4. Add sufficient curing agent to the glue;

  5.Make sure the pressure is in place.


The address of this article:http://en.hongshengxieye.com/news/384.html

Key word:Manufactureroflaborinsuranceshoes,Priceoflaborinsuranceshoes,Linyilaborshoes

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